reboot rx

Reboot Restore Rx is a Freeware utility that makes it easy to maintain PC’s in small public access computing environments (classrooms, computer labs, kiosks, internet cafes, libraries, etc.). Every time you restart the PC’s - they will automatically reset

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Reboot Restore Rx is a unique turn on the disaster recovery solution, instead of backing up the data on a PC, it prevents any and all permanent changes that are made on the PC''s HDD. Reboot Restore R...

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  • ... is a software developer specializing in instant recovery and restore on reboot program...
    Horizon DataSys
  • Reboot Restore Rx is a Freeware utility that makes it easy to maintain PC’s in small publi...
    Reboot Restore Rx
  • From Horizon DataSys: Reboot Restore Rx prevents any and all changes made on your drive(s)...
    Reboot Restore Rx - Free download and software reviews - CNET
  • 《Reboot Restore Rx》是一套可以讓你輕鬆還原電腦的免費軟體,適合安裝在公用電腦(如電腦教室、圖書館、網咖…)上面使用,不管被使用者安裝了什麼軟體,甚至中了電腦病毒或...
    免費的還原軟體《Reboot Restore Rx 2.1》,重開機就能立即還給你乾淨的電腦!(支援Windows 10) | ㊣軟體玩家
  • 你有使用過學校或外面賣場的公用電腦嗎?如果有就不難發現通常這些電腦會被安裝還原卡或還原軟體,讓電腦每次重新開機時就自動回復到先前狀態,會這麼做的原因不外乎是要讓管理更方便、省時,因...
    Reboot Restore Rx 免費系統還原軟體,重開機自動回復到全新狀態!
  • 1.安裝時,會選擇要還原的磁碟機。 2.完成安裝需重新開機,Reboot Restore Rx 也會隨開機程式自動啟用,啟用後,會在系統工作列的通知區域內看到 Reboot Res...
    Reboot Restore Rx 重新開機便回到預設值
  • 《Reboot Restore Rx》是一套可以讓你輕鬆還原電腦的免費軟體,適合安裝在公用電腦上面使用,不管被使用者安裝了什麼軟體,甚至中了電腦病毒,只要重新開機就能還原回之前的正...
    Reboot Restore Rx – 輕鬆還原電腦的免費軟體 | WanMP Online System
  • Download Reboot Restore Rx (Freeware). Reboot Restore Rx is a Freeware utility that makes ...
    Reboot Restore Rx 2.1 Download - TechSpot
  • Reboot Restore Rx prevents any changes made on your drive(s) by restoring a saved baseline...
    Reboot Restore Rx Freeware | PC Time Machine Windows System Restore Software
  • Reboot Restore Rx (formerly Drive Vaccine) prevents any and all changes made on your drive...
    Reboot Restore Rx Pro (formerly Drive Vaccine) | PC Time Machine Windows System Restore So...
  • Home Forum Reboot Restore Rx - Freeware If this is your first visit, you may have to regis...
    Reboot Restore Rx - Freeware - Horizon DataSys Community Forum
  • 2017年2月8日 - Reboot Restore Rx (freeware) prevents any and all changes made on your drive(...
    Reboot Restore Rx Freeware | PC Time Machine Windows System ...
  • Reboot Restore Rx (freeware) prevents any and all changes made on your drive(s) making tho...
    Reboot Restore Rx | PC Time Machine Windows System Restore ...
  • 2017年2月8日 - (formerly Drive Vaccine) Reboot Restore Rx Pro prevents any and all changes m...
    Reboot Restore Rx Pro (formerly Drive Vaccine) | PC Time Machine ...
  • 2016年3月30日 - 《Reboot Restore Rx》是一套可以讓你輕鬆還原電腦的免費軟體,適合安裝在公用電腦(如電腦教室、圖書館、網咖…)上面使用,不管被使用者安裝了...
    免費的還原軟體《Reboot Restore Rx 2.1》,重開機就能立即還給你乾淨 ...
  • 提供借用的筆電,為了減少維護人力,所以使用Reboot Restore RX進行系統還原。使用的是免費版本的還原系統,所以在功能上面有比較少,也犧牲了一些些系統效能 .....
    解決Reboot Restore RX 造成無法開機問題@ Haoming-跟著滑鼠去旅行 ...
  • 2017年2月8日 - Reboot Restore Rx Main Features. - Restore on Reboot Restore on Log-off - Res...
    Reboot Restore Rx delivers non restrictive pc hard drive protection ...
  • 2014年2月17日 - 阿湯以前在一些公司時,有不少電腦為了防止職員個人安裝其它軟體造成中毒或其它問題,通常都會在電腦加裝還原硬體卡或是軟體,只要每次重新 ...
    系統工具《Reboot Restore Rx》電腦重開機就自動還原,開機期間做的事 ...
  • Reboot Restore Rx is a unique turn on the disaster recovery solution, instead of backing u...
    Download Reboot Restore Rx 2.1 -
  • ... is a software developer specializing in instant recovery and restore on reboot program...
    Horizon DataSys
  • Reboot Restore Rx is a Freeware utility that makes it easy to maintain PC’s in small publi...
    Reboot Restore Rx